Misdiagnosis Monday

Schizoid Personality Disorder vs. Autism Before discovering my autism, I would frequently reference my “schizoidness”. At the time, this was

Avoidant Personality Disorder and Autism The amount of overlap between Autism and AvPD is remarkable enough to give me great

Schizophrenia vs. Autism (plus, a brief history of Autism Historically speaking, Autism is a relatively new diagnosis. Schizophrenia and Autism

OCD VS. Autism This week I’m tackling another misdiagnosis that may be better situated as an “And” conversation. OCD and

Bipolar and Autism I started this series with a desire to help distinguish Autism from common misdiagnoses. While that is

PTSD vs. AND Autism While I have set up this series to distinguish autism from common misdiagnoses, this week’s topic

*social withdrawal is typically maladaptive (harmful) in the context of depression however can be adaptive (helpful) in the context of

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